This is an excellent book! It was so good that I read it all in one day and now I'm going to implement what I've learned. Mel Bartholomew, the author of this book, really breaks everything down for you in easy to follow instructions.
The book is full of colored pictures and they way it is written really keeps you engaged in the concept of Square Foot Gardening. So much so that I've completely changed the original design of my own personal garden to the way Mel teaches in his book.
I will admit I didn't by the book right away. I saw a youtube video that described how to set up your own square foot garden that mentioned the book. So I checked my library to see if they had it. And they did, so I checked it out first before I actually bought my own copy. "Well actually, my wife bought me this copy there in the picture". But I really was going to buy it. LOL
But anyways, I'll be posting the pictures as I start on this new hobby of mine. And I'm really looking forward to eating veggies out of my own garden without all the pesticides. ;-)